
Working Papers

The Invisible Costs of School Shootings:  Impacts on Parents' Mental Health and Children's   Education Expectations  Nabors, Y.  (updated February 2024)

Wage Gap and Disability Types  Nabors, Y.

The Onset of Parental Mental Illness and Child Wellbeing.   Nabors, Y.  

Works in Progress

Parental Workplace Social Status on Childhood Health (Joint with Lavetti, K.)

Child Penalty in the United States (Joint with Rossin-Slater, M. and Lavetti, K.,)

Shocks to the Mental Health of Older Adults: COVID-19 Health Policies and the Social Justice

Movement (Joint with Weinberg, B.)


Nabors, Y.  (2022).  Footprint Analysis of Tennessee Technological University:  Case of 2020 – 2021 Academic Year, REMI.

Nabors, Y.  (2021).  Footprint Analysis of Tennessee Technological University:  Case of 2019 – 2020 Academic Year, REMI.

Nabors, Y.  (2020).  Footprint Analysis of Tennessee Technological University:  Case of 2018 – 2019 Academic Year, REMI.

DiFurio, F. and Y. Nabors.  (2020).  Impact Analysis of TN Broadband Expansion, REMI.

Nabors, Y.  (2019).  Footprint Analysis of Tennessee Technological University:  Case of 2017 – 2018 Academic Year with Increased Student Population, REMI.